Legal Notice

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In accordance with the provisions of Article 6 III-1 of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, the site ………………………………… …………………… is published by ……………………………………………… (designation of the Collectivity).

The Director of publication is CIVILITY SURNAME-First name, function.
Telephone: ………………………………………….
Email: …… …………………………………….

Hosting and technical maintenance are provided by:
email address

Applicable law and attribution of jurisdiction

These General Conditions of Use are governed by French law and the user, by accepting these, irrevocably gives exclusive jurisdiction to the French courts.


The connection of the user to the site is under his full responsibility. The Collectivity cannot be held liable for any damage resulting from any malfunction whatsoever, from a suspension or termination of the site, or even from any material or immaterial damage which would result in any way from the connection to the Site.

Intellectual property

The content present on the Site is the exclusive property of ……………………………
Under article L.122-4 of the Intellectual Property Code, these elements are protected by copyright, any reproduction is in principle subject to the agreement of ……………………………………….

In accordance with public intellectual property law and in particular according to article L122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code, the ” official documents ” are freely reusable:

  • Statements, speeches, press kits and press releases;

However, good practice requires that the reproduction of this content in part or in full clearly mentions the source. The reproduction of these documents in part or in full is thus authorized, subject of course to the mention of the name of the author and the source.

Non-commercial reuse is authorized on condition that the integrity of the information is respected and that the meaning, scope and application are not altered and the origin and date of publication are specified. .

Requests for permission to reproduce content should be sent by email to: ………………………………………………………………..


Design and production: STRATIS



Mapping: © OpenStreetMap contributors. The data is available under ODbL license.

Personal data

The new European Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data (GDPR) entered into force on May 25, 2018. It reinforces and enriches the provisions of the Data Protection Act aimed at the transparency and protection of your personal data .

We invite you to read our policy for the management and protection of your personal data .